ANBI status BrandCharity

ANBI status BrandCharity

Foundation BrandCharity has an ANBI status. On this page you will find all the information that we publish in the context of ANBI.

 ANBI data Brand Charity
 Name of institution Foundation BrandCharity
 RSIN / Tax number 813197466
 Contact details Koningsweg 101, 5211 BH `s-Hertogenbosch
 E-mail: brandcharity@brandloyalty-int.com
 ObjectiveBrandCharity its objective, as included in the articles of association is improving living conditions of different (age)groups and   communities in our immediate environment. Every activity organised focuses itself on one of the committed Social Responsibility goals: no hunger, good health and well-being, quality education and a sustainable world.
 Policy plan

BrandCharity strives to offer distraction and relief in daily life of people within different age groups. BrandCharity performs and encourages all activities that stimulate this goal. The foundation initiates or organises projects including the financial funding. BrandCharity is a non-profit organisation.

The board manages the foundation`s finances and prepares a yearly forecast regarding the fundraising and project donations.


 Nienke van Kessel, Chair

 Lonneke Timmers, Secretary

 Peter Admiraal, Treasurer

 The remuneration policy BrandCharity is run entirely by volunteers. The volunteers do not receive a salary. They are only reimbursed for project-related costs.
 Report activities Click here for our policy plan
 Financial responsibility Click here for our financial statements
 Bank account NL20DEUT0575437979
 Benefit ANBI status for donors

We are an ANBI and as such gifts to our foundation are deductible in the income tax return within the limits of the law. Click here for more information. Click here for BrandCharity's ANBI Statement. 

Companies can also deduct donations. Click here for more information about the deductibility of donations from companies.

                   You can verify our ANBI status by going to the website of the Tax Authorities: http://www.belastingdienst.nl/rekenhulpen/giften/anbi_zoeken/. If you then enter 'Brand Charity' in the 'Institution' field and Den Bosch in the 'Location' field, you will get the result.